Meet Our Professional Handyman Team in Portland

Discover our Experienced Repair Experts in Portland, offering top Handyman Services.




Get to know frank handyman services

Get to know Frank Handyman Services, your team of Local Home Improvement Professionals in Portland. Seeking an affordable, quality-oriented, and professional handyman service in the Portland Metro Area and Vancouver, WA? Look no further.

Frank’s Handyman Service, LLC is where our local experts understand your specific needs and requirements, delivering exceptional workmanship at the best price, with efficiency at the forefront of our operations.

Excellence from Our Professional Handyman Team in Portland

Leading the Family-Owned Handyman Service in Portland, Frank Sr., a devout Christian, brings over 15 years of experience to every project across the Portland/Vancouver area. Specializing in both new constructions and remodels, no project is too small for our personalized touch. With a broad customer portfolio and glowing references, our family-operated service excels at personal attention, from homeowners to property managers.

Our team is dedicated to this trade and we truly love what we do. Seeing progress and fixing things brings us satisfaction. We are proud of our punctuality and communication/professionalism. The shop and team are efficient, so we are able to offer competitive prices.

Please give us a call to schedule a Free Estimate Appointment.

Frank Sr., the experienced lead technician of Frank's Handyman Services, equipped with tools, ready to deliver quality home improvement services in Portland.
Frank Villagomez Jr.

Frank Villagomez Jr.

Office Executive

Frank Jr., an integral member of our Professional Handyman Team in Portland, balances his strong Christian faith with his role as Co-Owner of ‘Frank’s Handyman Service’. With over 7 years in Office Administration, he brings passion and a forward-moving drive to the business he runs with his father. Living in Oregon for 15 years and a family man with a young daughter, Frank Jr. enriches his life with music, continually learning to play the piano and sing.

Frank Villagomez Sr.

Frank Villagomez Sr.


Frank Sr., with over 20 years of experience, is the Lead Service Technician at our family-owned handyman service in Portland. His extensive background spans from landscape business ownership to providing specialized handyman services. He personally engages with our residential and commercial clients, embodying the family values central to our service. When not expertly navigating repair work, he cherishes time with his family, participates in church activities, and enjoys Oregon’s great outdoors.

Frank Handyman Services
Frank Handyman Services
Frank Handyman Services
Frank Handyman Services

Crafting Comfort in Portland – Your Local Home Improvement Professionals at Work!